Record user activity when operation machine. RFID card for user identification. Keypad input with TFT LCD 3.5". Logging data to Micro SD Card. Bluetooth communication.
Measure 3-Phase AC Current and save data to Micro SD Card. Using CT Clamp current sensor.
Self balancing robot for prototyping/education. Able control from smartphone and joystick.
Smart watering system and maintain temperature and humidity. Integrated with smartphone.
Contactless infrared temperature with automatic hand sanitizer.
Cancels the turn signal light if doesn't according with the movement of the motorcycle and canceling it when motorcycle doesn't turn.
Detection of Stealing Electricity on distribution to customer. Wireless topology using nRF24L01.
Perumahan Buana Impian II
Jl Trans Barelang
Batam, Indonesia, 29439